Internal Investigations
With laws and regulations in constant flux, and enormous differences between
jurisdictions, even corporations with excellent compliance programs increasingly find themselves needing to address the prospect of unintentional errors, negligence or outright criminality. JLG has long recognized that moving rapidly and proactively is far less costly than willful blindness. JLG’s internal investigations philosophy is straightforward: At the first hint of smoke, we locate and extinguish the fire. Our attorneys have decades of experience performing complex document reviews, collaborating with forensic accountants, interviewing witnesses and securing critically important client interests. This includes managing unwanted publicity, ensuring confidentiality and – when necessary – negotiating government cooperation agreements (wherever possible, without waiving the attorney-client privilege, work-product doctrine or risking the loss of intellectual property).
Our capabilities include:
● Qualitative and quantitative analysis
● Expert legal guidance
● Rapid response
● Best-in-class technology
● Constant awareness of changing regulatory environments
● Experience with securities fraud, FCPA, taxation, accounting irregularities,
malpractice, whistleblower complaints and a wide array of other fiduciary
● Media expertise
● Drafting and presenting comprehensive after-action reports
● Helping clients decide how, when and whether to cooperate with government
● Damage mitigation (e.g., handling the fall-out from having to restate a quarterly
Merely hoping that a problem will “solve itself” is not a viable option. JLG will efficiently, covertly and constructively identify the best of course action, execute a cost-effective,investigative plan and work tirelessly to defend both your business and its shareholders.
James Berger
Special Counsel
Jason Jia
Managing Partner