Licenses and Permits
Applying for and obtaining the correct licenses is a necessary step in the formation of any business. JLG is skilled in helping businesses, particularly in the hospitality industry, to apply for and secure their licenses in a prompt manner, thereby allowing them to commence business — and saving them time, money, and stress. JLG’s team can help you to obtain:
Business Licenses:
You must acquire a license before opening a business. JLG’s attorneys will help you to register your business with state and federal agencies. We will also help to register and ensure the legality of your tax information, trade name, and employee registrations including employee identification numbers.
Liquor Licenses:
Obtaining a license to manufacture, sell, import, and distribute alcohol involves the submission of a complex application. The process can overwhelm first-timers, resulting in headache, delays, and rejection. JLG’s attorneys can save you time and speed up the application process. With JLG’s assistance we can reduce wait-times by up to three months.
The process of obtaining a liquor license can be time consuming and complex, but JLG can help. Our experienced attorneys help to educate clients on the requirements and restrictions governing liquor licenses and how to complete the necessary application.
If an appearance is required, we will be there to ensure that the client is fully prepared for any questions that may be asked.
If you are looking to obtain a liquor license for any restaurant or hospitality service, we can help. Having an attorney working with you to obtain your liquor license can save you time and headaches. With our assistance, we can reduce wait times by up to three months.
Place of Assembly Certificate:
A Place of Assembly (PA) Certificate of Operation is required for premises where 75 or more members of the public gather indoors or 200 or more gather outdoors for various purposes. Our attorneys will help you to secure this crucial business Certificate.
Sidewalk Café License:
A Sidewalk Café License is required for restaurants that wish to operate a portion of their business on a public sidewalk. JLG will help your restaurant to obtain your license, whether you require an enclosed, unenclosed, or small unenclosed sidewalk café license.
Obtaining the correct licenses is a priority of every restaurant, bar, hotel or club. JLG will help your business to require all of the licenses it needs to become a success. You can contact us for a free evaluation or call us at 347-897-6199 to continue discussing your licensing needs.
Jason Jia
Managing Partner
Joseph Hamel
Senior Associate