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  • Jason Jia


今天下午1时许,牵动着众多人心的S.386即《2019年高技能移民公平法案》,由参议员麦克·李(Mike Lee)提上Unanimous Consent流程,最终因参议员大卫·珀杜(David Perdue)投反对票,而致使法案未能通过。此法案于一周之后或将再次通过Unanimous Consent被表决。



  • 该法案中尚有部分措辞不够明确;

  • 该法案对佐治亚州特定行业或存在极大的不确定性影响;

  • 他将与麦克·李讨论修改该法案,以便达成共识。

支持方 v.s. 反对方



#s386 is not about to give fairness, but privilege to ONE Country. Spending 10 years on processing backlogs for only one country of ppl does not sound FAIR to ppl from all other countries. NO #s386


Indians have been taking 75% of H1bs thanks to biased ccompanies and 20% of GCs while other nationals take 7% or less. It's not fair. #s386 says fairness means giving 100% of GCs to Indians. #Nos386






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